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Looking after your mental health during pregnancy

Getting ready to have a baby can be both exciting and scary. The flood of new emotions and experiences can feel overwhelming. Many people aren’t used to these highs and lows so can often feel anxious during this time

It’s important that you pay attention to your mental health when pregnant, so we’ve put together some tips to help you cope. 

Understanding your mental health

Looking after your mental wellbeing isn’t just important for you, it's important for your baby too. They might just be a tiny wee thing, but they can pick up on your stress during pregnancy.

It's normal to have some questions or concerns during your pregnancy, and to feel overwhelmed or emotional at times. But unfortunately, depression and anxiety are not unusual for soon-to-be mums, including among women who’ve not had any issues with their mental health before. So if you’re feeling low, upset or anxious, remember that you’re not alone and that there is a lot of support available for you. 

Tips for your mental health

Advice for dads and partners

Image of an adult smiling at a pregnancy test.

Image of an adult smiling at a pregnancy test.

This can be an emotional time for you too and you may feel worried about how you will deal with becoming a parent. Here are some tips to help. You can find more on the Father's Network Scotland website.

Look for support

Remember that you’re not alone – all of us struggle from time to time. Talk to your midwife or GP if you’re finding it all a bit much.

There are lot of other ways to find support for your mental health. A directory of third sector services supporting mental health for women, babies and their families can be found here and there’s also help and advice on the Ready Steady Baby website.

Last updated: 2 May, 2023