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Looking after yourself during pregnancy

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It might sound obvious, but it’s really important to look after yourself during your pregnancy. The thing is, it can be a bit daunting when you see how much information there is out there on what you should be doing, eating and watching out for. But don’t worry if you feel overwhelmed at first, you’ll soon find your feet. 

Getting support from your midwife and family nurse

Your midwife is a great source of reassurance and support at every step of the way – so make sure you go along to your appointments. 

Top tips from parents

Giving up smoking and drinking when you’re pregnant

Stopping smoking, and not drinking are some of the best things you can do for you and your baby, and it’s never too late to stop. Cutting out smoking and drinking alcohol reduces the risk of miscarriage and stillbirth and means your baby is more likely to develop well inside you. This isn’t always easy but your midwife will be there to support you every step of the way, so don’t be afraid to talk to them about it – they won’t judge you. You can find out more about why giving up smoking and alcohol is the best thing for your baby on the Ready Steady Baby website.

Some people will tell you that having the odd drink when you’re pregnant is okay. In fact, there's no known safe limit of drinking during pregnancy. The safest option is to stop drinking when you’re trying to get pregnant or as soon as you know you’re pregnant. You can find out more at the Ready Steady Baby website

Exercise when you're pregnant

It's totally fine to exercise while you’re pregnant, as long as you’re aware of your bump and don’t overdo things. Equally, if you feel like taking it easy and enjoying life at a slightly slower pace that's ok too. You know your body best. You can find out more at the Ready Steady Baby website.

Reducing the risk of stillbirth

When a baby dies after 24 weeks of pregnancy, before or during birth, it is known as a stillbirth. Sadly, 4 babies a week are stillborn in Scotland and it’s a truly devastating event for any family to go through. Sometimes we don’t know the cause, but we do know that there are things you can do to reduce your risk of stillbirth. The latest research strongly advises you to:

Looking after your mental health

It’s not just your body that’s affected when you get pregnant – the flood of new thoughts and emotions can be overwhelming too. So it’s important to pay attention to your mental health when pregnant – we’ve put together some tips to help you cope

More information

For more information on looking after yourself throughout your pregnancy, check out our page on common pregnancy questions, talk to your midwife or visit Ready Steady Baby.

This article was created as part of 

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Last updated: 2 May, 2023