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Moving out of lockdown

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Coronavirus Living safely with COVID-19

While we’re all pleased that restrictions have now been lifted, you may be worried about making the transition to a more ‘normal’ way of life. We’ve all been at home for so long that stepping out into the world may make you feel anxious or fearful. Many of us may have lost friends or family, been unwell or suffered financially during the pandemic, and may not yet  be ready to move on so quickly. This page has some advice that could help.

Tips for moving out of lockdown

How can I support my children as restrictions ease?

You may be worried about the impact the coronavirus pandemic is having on your child. While we still don’t know how much the pandemic will affect children, there are things you can do now to help. Children are often more resilient than we think, and by providing them with plenty of love and understanding you're supporting them to adapt to change when it comes.

Should I worry that my baby has had limited social interaction due to coronavirus?  Will there be any long term effects?

This is such a worry for parents at the moment, and there has been a lot of talk in the media about babies ‘missing out’. But what babies need more than anything in the first year of life is consistent care from a parent or carer. So if your baby has had lots of interaction with you, then you’ve given them great foundations.

As restrictions ease and you’re able to give your baby new experiences, you may find that your baby is a bit hesitant, or gets easily scared, or doesn’t want to leave you. This is quite normal – it’s just a transition phase. Being presented with new experiences can be challenging and scary! Just acknowledge what they’re feeling, reassure them and give them time to get used to these new sights, sounds and experiences.

Remember not to overwhelm your baby by ‘catching up’ with social interactions! Take it slowly, at their pace, and expect it to take a bit of time. It’s a transition for them, just as it is for us.

What about my children's education?

You may be concerned that your child has missed out on learning over the past year, but try not to worry. In this short film, Dr Janet Goodall from the Learning Foundation explains that there’s no such thing as ‘lost learning’ and that children have been learning all the time during this strange situation.

What about going back into the workplace?

If you’ve been working from home and are now preparing to go back into the workplace, our page on returning to work has more information and advice.

What if I'm worried about money?

Money worries have been a big source of stress during the pandemic. If you’re struggling to make your money last to the end of the week/month or are worried about how you’ll pay your bills, you’re definitely not alone. But there is something you can do about it. If you have any money worries, or if you’re in debt and you want some advice, call the Money Talk Team for a free and confidential chat. Their friendly advisers will see what you might be entitled to, and offer advice to help you make the most of your money. You can find out more about the Money Talk Team here.

Our page on financial support during COVID-19 has more advice. 

Last updated: 10 Nov, 2022