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Meet Agnes Anderson

Mum of two, Bridgeton

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Food & Eating Healthy helpers

Agnes Anderson, 35, is mum to Anne-Marie (13) and David (10). She is very knowledgeable about healthy eating, healthy choices, cooking and nutrition as a result of her two children having medical conditions that restrict their diet.

What Agnes says

Agnes's favourite recipe

"Lasagne. It’s a great pasta recipe because it has protein, veg and dairy all in one meal. It’s very affordable as well, as I bulk it out with lentils. I also grate the carrot into the recipe so it’s easier for my son to digest since he has Crohn’s disease."

If you want to make your own lasagne, try our Vegetable Lasagne which costs less than £4 to make and can be ready in 1 hour:

Agnes's top tips

"Let kids try different foods. If you give them the option, they are more likely to try different things and won’t be fussy."

"Sit down together as a family and plan the week’s meals - the kids will really enjoy it and I’ve found that they’re more likely to eat a meal that they’ve been involved in."

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Last updated: 9 Dec, 2021