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Tips for working from home

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The way that many people work has changed over the past year or so, with more of us now working from home at least part of the time. For some parents, this is a welcome change. But others may be concerned that work will overwhelm family life, or that family life will get in the way of work. Here are some tips for keeping things balanced. 

Whatever your situation – whether you’re asking your employer if you can work from home, or whether your employer is asking you to work from home – it’s important to discuss everything thoroughly and come up with a solution that everyone can agree on. For more information on your rights when you’re working from home, visit the ACAS website.

How to work from home effectively

Tips for working from home with kids

In an ideal world, the kids would be safely out of the way at nursery or school or with friends and family while you’re working from home. But in the real world, that doesn’t always happen! So whether your plans have been derailed by illness, weather, inset days or anything else, here are some tips for coping on those days when you find yourselves all stuck at home.

Tips for working from home if you have a baby

Working from home with a baby can be an incredibly difficult task. You’re already probably running on less sleep than you’re used to and your little one will need round-the-clock care. Now, on top of all that, you’re having to juggle work too. Here are a few tips specific to babies that might help you be a little more productive.

Tips for working from home with a toddler

Working from home with a toddler can sometimes be a particular challenge for parents. At this time in their lives, toddlers are able to communicate with their parents, but not completely understand the world around them. These extra tips might be able to help you deal with this wonderful, but challenging, period in their development.

Tips for working from home with young children

Once they reach school age there’s still plenty you can do to keep kids occupied if they’re at home with you. From getting them to help around the house to scheduling virtual playdates, here are a few extra tips to help you out.

Tips for working from home with pre-teens

At this age, you don’t have the opportunity to fall back on the long forgotten ‘nap time’ but there are still a few things you can try to help your day go a little easier.

Extra tips for dealing with multiple children

If you have more than one child, then it’s likely that they’ll start arguing at some point during the day – usually just when you are trying to do something important! Here are a couple of extra tips to help with those moments.

Encouraging children to play on their own

What with work, childcare and all the other responsibilities of parenthood, you may well feel that you're spinning a lot of plates. If you're worried that in the midst of all this you’re not playing with your child enough, Marguerite Hunter Blair from Play Scotland has some great tips for helping your child enjoy playing on their own, so the time you spend together can be special and super fun.

Being a parent is the best job in the world, but it can also be one of the most stressful. There will be days when it all feels a little too much. To help you manage the challenges ahead, Parent Club has some tips on coping with being a parent and keeping calm with your wee one so you can build a rewarding relationship together.

Animation of cartoon character frustration meter

Animation of cartoon character frustration meter

Last updated: 11 Apr, 2023