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Top tips for getting ready to start nursery

Leaving your wee one in childcare for the first time can be hard. But a chat with your child’s key worker or childminder about the best ways to help your child feel settled should help you feel a bit more relaxed and reassured. 

Preparing for the first day

Before they've started, you might be feeling nervous about how they'll settle in or be worried about how you'll feel when you leave them for the first time. But you might also be looking forward to them getting their first taste of independence and getting yourself some extra time to work, study or get through the huge to-do list. 

Other parents across Scotland have given us their tips and ideas for how to get their wee ones (and themselves!) feeling good about starting childcare. 

Image of children smiling and walking towards the camera, holding a spoon with a ball balanced on it.

Image of children smiling and walking towards the camera, holding a spoon with a ball balanced on it.

Getting ready for the first drop off

The moment is here – the first drop off. It's a big event, especially if you haven't spent much time away from your wee one before. You might be really nervous about it, but it does usually get a lot easier with time. Below are some tips other mums and dads have tried that have helped their wee ones settle, and have helped them feel reassured.

Image of two children breaking up pieces of chocolate in a bowl at a table in a playroom.

Image of two children breaking up pieces of chocolate in a bowl at a table in a playroom.

Settling in

If your wee one is anxious about ELC at first, it doesn’t mean they won’t grow to love it. It’ll become a normal part of everyday life. Check out what these parents have to say.

What the parents say

Last updated: 1 Dec, 2022