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Save money, save the planet

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Money & Work Money saving tips and advice

Looking after a family isn’t easy – what with balancing work and home life, making sure everyone’s fed and clothed and gets to nursery or school on time and trying to make your money last to the end of the month, there’s a lot to think about! And if you’re struggling to make ends meet and trying to save money around the home, chances are tackling climate change isn’t your number one concern. But the good news is, going green doesn’t have to be difficult or expensive. Check out our tips for saving money, saving the planet and boosting your family’s wellbeing, all in one. Win win win!

What is climate change?

Climate change and nature loss are the greatest threats facing the world’s population. Climate change isn’t a distant, far away problem: it’s here in Scotland and we’re seeing the impact already, through extreme weather events such as heatwaves, flooding and high temperatures during winter. 

This may seem daunting, and you’re probably wondering how your family can possibly help tackle something so big and global. But by working together, supporting each other and all getting involved – government, organisations, communities and individuals alike – we can take action against climate change. And if we all keep introducing small changes to the way we do things, this will make a big difference over time. 

So here are our top tips for green ways to save money – good for the planet and your pocket!

Tips for saving money and the planet if you have a baby

If you have a new baby, alongside dealing with all the day to day things like sleeping and feeding, you may also have found yourself wondering what kind of world they’ll grow up in. Here are some simple things you can do to help make that world a better place – and save some money as well. 

Tips for saving money and saving the planet if you have a toddler

At this age your toddler is starting to notice what you do and copying your behaviour – so this is a great time to start encouraging habits that save money and reduce our impact on the environment.

Tips for saving money and saving the planet if you have a child

Once your child starts school, they may start asking more questions about the world and what we can do to protect it. They may have heard about things like climate change, pollution and deforestation, and they may be worried about the future. Our page on talking to your children about climate change has advice on how to explain the issues and reassure them that it’s not too late to take action.

Here are some things you and your child can try together.

Tips for saving money and saving the planet if you have a teen

At this age, your teen will probably make their own mind up about what they’re prepared to do to protect the planet. They may be a budding Greta Thunberg, passionate about tackling climate change or they may not seem that bothered. They may feel anxious, frustrated or angry about the damage we are doing to our world. Our page on talking to your children about climate change has advice on how to explain the issues, reassure them and encourage them to take action.

Where can I find out more?

Help with money

We all know that being a parent can cost a lot of money. If you’re struggling to make your money last to the end of the week/month or are worried about how you’ll pay your bills, you’re definitely not alone! The Money Talk Team are a great resource for helping parents make their money go further and making sure that you’re not missing out on support you’re entitled to.

Last updated: 6 Oct, 2022