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Top tips for carrying on with breastfeeding

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Feeding Breastfeeding Keeping going

If you can, continuing to breastfeed for the first few months is brilliant for your baby's health. It's recommended that you breastfeed exclusively for around 6 months, and then continue breastfeeding alongside solid food. Ideally, you should breastfeed for 2 years or longer. But if that sounds daunting don’t let it put you off – just aim to keep going for as long as you can. 

Why carry on breastfeeding?

Every single feed of breast milk is valuable. At one month old, your breastfed baby already has less risk of infection that will last into childhood.

Diagram showing how your breastfed baby has less risk of infection to last into childhood

Diagram showing how your breastfed baby has less risk of infection to last into childhood

Here are some reasons why carrying on breastfeeding is good for you and your wee one:

  • Your milk is changing all the time to be perfectly suited to your baby as they grow. Up to 6 months, your breast milk provides everything your baby needs and helps protect them from getting ill.
  • The longer you continue breastfeeding, the better for you and your little one. Your risk of diseases like breast and ovarian cancer is reduced, and your baby continues to get better protection from common illnesses. 
  • It really helps you lose any extra weight!

The more you breastfeed, the more milk you will have. Most babies aren't ready for solid foods until around six months, but even when they do, their main source of nutrients will still be milk for several months. For the best health advantages for your baby, it's important to carry on breastfeeding responsively to make sure you always make enough breast milk for your baby as they grow.

Top tips for carrying on breastfeeding

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Last updated: 18 May, 2023