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Low breast milk supply

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Not having enough milk is one of the most common reasons mums give up on breastfeeding, but with the right support almost everyone will be able to feed for as long as they want.

In this short video, NHS Infant Feeding Advisor Marianne shares what you can do if you’re worried about low breast milk supply.

What are the symptoms?

Some mums worry they're not making enough milk because they're not sure if their baby has gained enough weight. You can check what's normal by reading our article on poor weight gain and looking at our feeding checklist.

Occasionally mums don't produce enough milk for their baby. If your breasts never really feel full, your baby's weight gain is low and they seem unsatisfied or distressed, ask for help from your health visitor or a Breastfeeding Helpline advisor (0300 100 0212) on how to build up your milk supply.

What causes it?

There are a number of possible causes, including:

  • Formula: Some mums introduce formula as a quick fix, not realising it will make their milk supply even lower.
  • Attachment issues: If your baby isn't well attached they won't be encouraging a good flow of milk in your breasts.
  • Not feeding as soon as your baby shows feeding cues: Timing feeds, scheduling, missing night feeds, only offering one breast per feed or finishing feeds too early may upset your milk supply.
  • Dummies used in the early weeks: Can mask feeding cues and prevent establishing a good milk supply.
  • Medical and birth problems: Some serious conditions can delay your milk supply but these are very rare. Speak to your midwife or an infant feeding advisor at the hospital if you're worried.

What's the solution?

There are several things you can do to establish and keep up a good supply of milk. 

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Last updated: 21 Oct, 2021