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Having fun outdoors with your baby

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Play & Learn Outdoor activities and games

Between 6 and 12 months, your baby starts to become even more curious about everything around them. It’s great to get out of the house as much as you can to find new things for them to see. And don’t let the changeable Scottish weather stop you and your baby getting out and about. There’s a whole world of new experiences waiting for you and your child.

Being outdoors is just as important for you. New parents often feel cooped up at the best of times. Being able to stretch your legs and enjoy the fresh air with your baby is good for your mental wellbeing and helps the two of you bond.

Fun in the park

Washing hands

It’s fun to play outside. Mud is good! However, it’s really important that we wash our hands when we get home. When we do, we lower our chances of catching and spreading germs.

Wash thoroughly with soap and water for 20 seconds – the time it takes to sing Happy Birthday twice. Doing this helps us all stay safe!

Tickle for ticks

It’s fun to play outside. Mud is good! However, it’s really important that we wash our hands when we get home. When we do, we lower our chances of catching and spreading germs.

Wash thoroughly with soap and water for 20 seconds – the time it takes to sing Happy Birthday twice. Doing this helps us all stay safe!

Remember to take your litter home

Remember to check for ticks after playing outside - particularly if you've been in long grass or woodlands. These little critters attach to skin underneath clothing and can make little ones poorly. Why not make a fun game out of checking for ticks - by having a good look then tickling for lots of giggles? For guidance on how to remove ticks, visit NHS inform.

More information

If you’re planning on exploring the great outdoors, please remember to take your litter home with you or bin it. Scotland is stunning – let's keep it that way

Last updated: 30 Dec, 2021